Friday, February 13, 2009


Finally all my perseverance and assiduous work have been paid off!!! I am already admitted to the conservatory of my dream, the Yong Siew Toh of NUS. Ohh.... Halleluiah..!!!

Btw, It's been long since last time I put my word here. I have been busy all this time, but I think i can post my upcoming blogs more frequently from now on.

Since tomorrow is the lovers day, I wish you all a happy Valentine day.... Love is like an eternal flame, never flicks once it is lit..

And finally, thank you all for your unceasing supports to me. Without your supports, I don't have enough courage and strength to go (train, indeed...) this far. I promise you all, friends, I won't let all your supports become useless..

1 comment:

Vixklen said...

Mantap2.. haha.. OK, next step.. apply for King Edward VII Hall.. OK? ;P