Saturday, September 25, 2010

Beethoven - Burned in Ash, Born again with Music

Recently i had been talking a lot about how i like Mozart more than Beethoven (which is true). Somehow I realized the more i tried to brag about Mozart, i found out that obliviously i have developed an empathy towards Beethoven.

I never really like Beethoven's music, simply because lots of his piano works are in my biased opinion, harsh, bang-y, unsophisticated, confusing, and uncivilized (though i have to admit that his orchestral works are brilliant). But I see now that it has always been my prejudice towards Mozart's music that creates this sentiment. Now I see Beethoven's suffering, his scream, his rebellious nature, and his passion.

If you are a dancer, what do you feel when you lost your feet?
If you are an artist, what do you feel when you are blind?

Well, Beethoven literally suffered from the cruelest curse ever laid upon him. Just listen to his symphony no. 9, where the famous choir song "Ode to Joy" simply blasts us away from earth to heaven, a proclamation that God is the Greatest, where it depicts thousands of angels singing on the stairs to heaven glorifying God Almighty! Such a music, and yet Beethoven can only hear one pitch ever since he was totally deaf!

In one of my conversation with my friend, he quoted one of Beethoven's complain:" God, why do You torture me by giving an ability to create such a beautiful music, but yet You took away my only mean of enjoying it?!!"

Apart from his deafness, nothing good ever really came to him. He was rejected by all of his beloved ones, he had bad relationships with all of his acquaintances, his nephew ran his money away, he never really had a permanent living place.

At last, I still love Mozart, but i'm now humbled. Coming to realize that there existed a man who stood his ground enduring all this worst possible mental torment to persist in expressing himself in the depth of his music, I have finally understood that indeed his music speaks of his life. This man is indeed admirable!

Below is the link to the documentary about Beethoven's life: